Technorati’s blog tracking system has found 100,000 blogs were created each day in the third quarter of 2006, and 55 percent of all blogs were active enough to have been updated with a new post at least once every three months.
The Blogosphere Grows and Grows
Technorati founder Dave Sifry posted his latest quarterly assessment, the State of the Blogosphere, and revealed nearly 3 million blogs debuted from July through September.
The persistent issue of spam blogs or “splogs” has been vexing for Technorati, for creators of legitimate blogs, and for people who become frustrated when a search leads them to a blog that is nothing more than a keyword stuffed ad-fest with little to no quality content.
Sifry claimed Technorati’s indexing has matured, and has begun to mitigate the impact of splog creation hitting the index. He noted that the 100,000 blogs indexed per day has dropped from June’s peak of 160,000 due to the reduction of splog indexing.
“While last quarter I reported about 8% of new blogs that get past our filters and make it into the index are splogs, I’m happy to report that that number is now more like 4%,” Sifry wrote. “My gut feeling is that since we’re better at dealing with Spam now.”
New posts hit blogs at a rate of about 1.3 million per day. A substantial spike in posting volume occurred when Israel and Hezbollah came to battle in July. Sifry expects to see a similar spike in his next quarterly report, which will take this week’s Election Day-associated blog activity into account.
Bloggers who want to become more like those in Technorati’s “very high authority” group, those with 500 or more blogs linking in the last six months, should note a couple of characteristics Sifry has observed: “Bloggers of this type have been at it longer – a year and a half on average – and post nearly twice a day, an increase in posting volume of over 100% from the previous group.”
Time and effort, the bane of anyone who wants an express route to success, are factors to consider in those most authoritative blogs. We will go farther and say quality of posts separates the very high authority from those ranked lower in Technorati’s index.
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David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.