Thursday, February 6, 2025

Bloglines Console Continues Development


Bloglines beta keeps adding commands to the console.

Bloglines Console Update

Here’s an update:

“echo help” now reveals new commands:

  • cat
  • cd
  • changelog
  • clear (previously available but undocumented)
  • ls

Echo, set and show are still available.

Cat has two uses:

  • cat folder_name
  • cat feed_name

No idea what they do, though entering cat and the name of a folder (case-sensitive) is not rejected by the system.

cd is Change Directory, a standard DOS command. It has three uses:

  • cd folder_name
  • cd ..
  • cd /

I was able to navigate into folders by entering “cd” and the name of the folder, case sensitive.

I cannot find the proper usage for changelog. It would not display the changelog no matter what I used.

Clear clears the screen.

ls is a list command. In any directory, it will give you the contents of the directory, along with some letters. It’s somewhat like this:

drwxr–r– Google
drwxr–r– Microsoft

Non public folders do not have the r– designation. The “d” means it is a folder, feeds do not have a d in the beginning.

Set has four usages:

  • set hotkey action
  • set theme theme_name
  • set text text_color
  • set background background_color

I cannot find the names of the hotkeys, but the themes can be changed simply by using the theme name, and the text and background can be changed to any color name or hex code.

Show has three usages:

  • show hotkeys
  • show themes
  • show profile

Show hotkeys doesn’t work now. Show themes shows you the four themes, white, black, old and burnt_umber. Old is green text on black, while burnt_umber is white text on brown. Show profile launches the User Settings page.

Ben Lowery and Bjorn Tipling explain at TechOpus that it’s a javascript Read-eval-print loop running inside the browser’s Javascript VM, and you can call into the Dojo or Bloglines APIs. Examples:

bl.feeds.refreshCounts() will update your unread counts

bl.feeds.load() will reload the feed tree

bl.login(”userName”,”password”) to login to an account

If you find anything else, let me know. I’m enjoying using this, though I’ve yet to figure out the cool things I can accomplish with it.



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