Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Blogging Connections: Real Life Meetings


Blogs are connection and relationship builders. We are all aware of the blog potential for creating and nurtuting online relationships.

Blogs have the tremendous benefit of creating in person introductions, between blogger and blogger, or blogger and reader, as well. In fact, many bloggers are now meeting face to face, in the offline world, on a very regular basis.

As blogging evolves into the mainstream of business communications and marketing, blog writers are very likely to encounter one another at events of all types. The now ubiquitous blogging conferences are an obvious blogger networking arena. At the same time, other non-blog related conferences and events are also facilitating blogger meetings. Bloggers are meeting and talking with non-bloggers as well as other blog writers.

As bloggers become more established as experts within their respective fields, ever more networking opportunities will arise. Blog writers are becoming popular speakers in areas ranging from business, to politics, to social and personal topics. Of course, the reason for this recognition of exprtise is a direct result of writing the blog itself. Without maintaining a blog, many of the newly recognized authorities in their areas would not have received as much notice. They may not have even been seen at all. Blogs build a reputation as an authority.

Because bloggers are the fastest rising group of experts, they are now being sought as speakers, experts, panelists, and media spokespeople. Along with the heightened media exposure comes an opportunity to meet other bloggers in person. Again, we are seeing people making face to face connections that almost certainly would never have taken place without the blogging experience. Blogs are a powerful networking tool.

Once bloggers meet in person, they are able to deepen and expand upon relationships created and developed previously online. With the live introductions, many bloggers often go on to form business partenerships, as well as personal friendships. The blog has already built up the level of trust. The live meeting cements that trust into many types of lasting relationships. Blogs build business opportunities and personal friendhips.

When you get a chance to attend a function of any size, with other bloggers in attendance, be sure to put in an appearance. The ability to talk face to face with people known through their blogs is extremely powerful, both personally and professionally. If you don’t know a blogger personally, there is no need to worry. Another mutual blogging acquaintance is almost certain to make the formal introductions for you. Bloggers are connection makers.

Most blog writers are as exciting and interesting in real life as they are they their written word.

Meet some bloggers offline today.

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