Friday, February 7, 2025

Banner Ads: How To Quadruple Clickthroughs Using Proven Techniques!


It’s a fact

Businesses right now are wasting thousands of dollars on ineffective advertising.

In fact, a large majority of business owners are satisfied when they place a banner ad and double their investment.

Are you in this category? Do you pull mediocre results from every banner ad you place? Want to start placing ads that pull 4, 10, even 20 times the amount you invested? Of course you do!

Here’s how to create devastatingly powerful banner ads that get people clicking!

First, you need to walk a mile in your prospects shoes. What turns them on? What key words will stop them dead in their tracks?

Understanding who your ad is talking to is the first step. Your second step is understanding the dreams and desires of your products audience.

Ask yourself some questions:

Are they motivated by money?

Do they want to do something better?

What’s the emotional reason your target prospect would be interested in your product?

For instance, a home business offer would go after prospects interested in money, right? But there are other underlying benefits that speak to your targeted audience too.

Maybe they want freedom from a time clock? Maybe they hate answering to a boss?

For instance, if you wanted to target a niche market of RV owners for your business opportunity, you might write a banner headline like “RVers! You Can Travel The Country, And Get Paid Very Well To Do It”!

The headline above addresses two powerful motivators for someone that owns an RV. First, money, a universal motivator. And second, traveling in their RV. This creates excitement for an RV enthusiast reading the headline and lures them into the copy.

Second, a banner ad works better when it appears interactive.

Create buttons on your banner that the reader can click. Perhaps a survey where the user clicks radio buttons to reply. Or, something that looks like a drop down menu that the user clicks.

Third, as in any form of effective advertising, you need to create a sense of urgency.

Banner ads need to pull the reader away from the website they’re already viewing. So, aside from an offer that speaks directly to them, you need to give them a reason to stop searching the site they’re on and choose to visit the site your banner points to.

“Click Now” works, but an even more effective urgency creator would be “limited supplies” or “special discount for the first 100 visits”!

Fourth, make sure your banner design is simple. Key words should stand out. Graphics should be light, and only used to capture attention. Use color schemes that compliment one another and draw the eye.

Using these ideas in your own banner ads can dramatically increase clickthroughs. By applying them to your own banner marketing you can set your own personal records for clickthroughs and profits.

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