Thursday, February 27, 2025

AUCTION TIP: A Basic eBay Listing Template


Do you know what drives me nuts on eBay? When I view an item up for auction and the listing has no style whatsoever. There’s just a long scroll of text that gives only the briefest explanation of what the product is and why I should buy it.

Writing a good auction listing is a topic for another article, but I can help those of you who want to spice up the look of your auction listings with a simple template that will work in the eBay “Sell an Item” system.

First, I want to go over a couple of HTML “tags” so you know what all the funky little letters in the brackets ( ) are for. But don’t worry – I’m not going to try and teach you HTML. I just want to show you a little to keep you from messing up your listing.

First, an HTML TAG is just a quick way for you to let a Web browser know how you want your web page to look like when it is displayed in your Web browser. That’s it.


Once you’ve changed the text and saved it from Notepad, just copy all of the text and paste it into the listing window on eBay. This will be the “Item description” form that comes up after you’ve picked a category. You can preview the description by clicking on the “Preview Page” link below the window. If you’ve done everything correctly, it should look great!

By using this simple template, you can immediately vault the professionalism of your listings above and beyond what a lot of eBay-ers are putting out there right now. And that can result in more sales, at a greater price, for your online auction business.

Auction Rookie – Tools and Tips for Online Auction Success Visit for a FREE report on “How to Get Started Selling on eBay.” Comments or Questions? (c) Copyright 2003, Chuck Smith. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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