Saturday, October 5, 2024

Attracting and Keeping Customers

One of the most important ways to sell is to keep people at your site as long as possible. Have a lot of free stuff available, free ebooks, contests, astrology readings, postcards, forums. The longer they stay on your site the more they get to know about you and your products.

If you can keep them coming back then you will have even better luck selling to them. I don’t use pop-ups or pop-unders, redirects as I feel these only annoy people. The two sticky tools that get used the most on my site are the forums and the games. I had my webmaster make some games for me and then embedded my logo and web address into them. I also don’t put others ebooks on my site unless I can advertise in them and rebrand them. Believe it or not, there is more to marketing then just bringing visitors to your site; keeping them. Making the most out of traffic that you already have, and getting a percent of visitors to your site to become ‘regulars’ means a steady growth rate for your site. After all, if every visitor to your site only visits once, you’ll eventually run out of people who are interested in what your site has to offer. You want your visitors to explore your site, book,mark your site, and subscribe to your newsletter.

First you want people to navigate your site make it easy with its design to do that. Design your site for your audiance not for you. Let people know right up front what your site is about. Add interesting new content at least montly if you want people to bookmark you and keep coming back you have to give them something new to look at, or they just will see your site and go on to a more interesting site.

You need to represent a product of true worth and value. If you can create you own product, that’s best. If that’s not a possibility your next best best is to represent another person high value product!

How do you determine the value of a product? Here is the first and greatest rule of thumb.

Do you use the product? If it is the latest and greatest herbal
supplement, do you actually use it? If it is a book, have you read it? If it is a software program, do you use it? Think about it! How can you really endorse the value of a product if you don’t believe in it enough to own it and endorse it? Now I sell advertising and I have several ezines they are each geared to a different audiance. Knowing your audiance is really important. I don’t try and sell candy bars in a fitness ezine for example. Maybe I would sell a lot thinking about that one as most of the dieters I know never stay on their diets. To succeed online you must learn how to write “cash producing” text! You need to learn the art of writing a killer sales letter, geared toward the customers needs. Without this skill the best you can do is attract clicks. You’ll never convert them into customers.

Judi Singleton is the webmistress of, Goto,
and She publishes six ezines get some targeted advertising
Join her ezines now.

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