Fans of ASP.Net products can vote for their choice in the asp.netPro Readers’ Choice Awards online; also, Gadgetopia’s Deane Barker praises the “Output Cache” directive.
A wide variety of applications have hit the market, built on the ASP.Net development platform built by Microsoft. Some of them will earn a moment in the sun through the competition run by asp.netPro Magazine.
Voters can select their favorites in a number of categories, like charting, content management, and e-commerce. Under code editing, the venerable HomeSite editor has a place among the nominees.
Asp.netPro does not have the welcome mat rolled out for products from the free/open source community. The section of the ballot’s front page requesting product nominations contains this text:
Please tell us the name of the product and the category in which it should appear. No freeware or open source products please.
While asp.netPro may not want to cache F/OSS products, Gadgetopia blogger Barker wanted to spread the word about ASP.NET’s caching system. He did so in a post from that blog today:
With one line at the top of a page (the “OutputCache” directive), you can store a page in memory for X number of seconds. It’s brutally simple, and just as effective.
His load testing on a commercial CMS application based on ASP.Net he is working on found that caching a page in memory for 30 seconds enabled a 303 request-per-second rate.
That was a dramatic improvement from 7 requests-per-second for the same page from the same test system. Even a 2-second cache improved the request-per-second rate to 264; Barker plans to stick with 30-seconds and finish up the project.
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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.