Monday, January 20, 2025

AskJeeves Adds Features To Compete With Search Engine Giants


AskJeeves has rolled out a number of new features designed to give you more targeted search results.

The feature that is getting the most publicity is their “People Search.” People Search is designed to find relevant information on celebrities and historical figures. The following is an example of People Search: Michael Jordan.

AskJeeves has also added a Weather Search feature. This is designed to find local weather forecasts and how they may affect travel conditions. Example.

Another new feature is the Stock Quote option. It gives users the ability to look up any stock and get related financial information about the company they queried. The search is executed by simply entering the stock symbol of the company you wish to research. Example.

Advanced Search, another new feature from AskJeeves, lets you narrow and refine the parameters of a search by language, geography, dates and more. Advanced Search page.

The final two new features for the search engine are a conversion search and a site preferences option. The site preferences feature allows users to control the number of results they receive per page, whether or not the results page opens in a new window or not, and the ability to filter adult content. Users will have the option of saving their individual settings. Preferences page.

The conversion feature allows you to type in the weight of something in pounds and converts it to the equivalent metric weight. Time, temperature, area, length, cooking measurements, and data conversions (bits to kilobytes and so forth) are all available to users while they search with AskJeeves. Kilobytes to bytes conversion.

Thanks to SearchEngineLowdown for the tip.

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