Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Are You Asking For Permission or Courting Disaster?


Permission based e-lists and ezines can be used by business and community groups to build relationships with both current and future sponsors, clients and members.

When used properly, these networking tools are community builders. However, misuse may result in complaining readers who might succeed in shutting down your email account or even your web site.

At one time, it was completely okay to contact someone through email or mail if you met them a networking meeting, or through a contest you provided. Also acceptable was to send your postal newsletter to the owner of a business card or brochure you happened to pick up. Sp~ammers and junk mailers have helped change the way things “are done.”

What is a business owner to do? Ask permission. Anytime someone gives you their card, ask if you can contact them using the information on the card. Ask specific questions regarding the type of contact you’d like to have with them.

Asking helps you define what type of future relationship the person is willing to have with you. You will get a much better idea if they “really” want you to contact them later, or if they’re brushing you off, by listening to how they answer your “permission based” questions.

What low cost things can you do to create a permission-based marketing campaign?

a_ Create permission based index or post card – size cards for people to complete. b_ After receiving a business card, make notes on the card describing the ways the person has given you to contact them. c_ When speaking or conducting workshops create a permission based form to pass around.

Receiving permission is not difficult – it is more work on your part. However, this work will pay off in the long run. People who are on your lists will be people who want to be there they will be your best readers, referrals, sponsors and clients.

2003 Maria Marsala. I help business owners make and keep more of their hard earned money. Join “Elevating You” ezine and request a complimentary consultation at

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