Saturday, December 14, 2024

Apple Looks Into The Spectrum


The upcoming 700 MHz spectrum auction is heating up as Apple is the latest rumored to be interested in joining Google, DirecTV, and eBay in bidding on a piece of the band currently used by broadcast television.

Apple Looks Into The Spectrum
Apple Looks Into The Spectrum
This particular band of spectrum will be released by TV networks next year as they transition to digital transition, paving the way for high speed nationwide broadband signals that can travel through buildings. It can also be used for wireless communication devices and digital video transmission devices, which Apple already has in the iPhone and Apple TV.

BusinessWeek claims to have two sources that say Apple is eyeballing the same spectrum Google is already “likely” to bid on next year, at a minimum $4.6 billion.

What was interesting about the possibilities of such a bid would be that Apple could sever its relationship with AT&T, which delivers iPhone signals, and virtually sever all ties with any carrier for the services the company offers. iTunes, iPhone, Apple TV, you name it, delivered via spectrum directly, no middleman.

I do have to call out BusinessWeek and the rest of the news world, however, for fully embracing the word “dis” into the news vocabulary:

Peter Burrows’ editor let him write:

Before striking the iPhone deal with AT&T, he publicly dissed phone companies as little more than “orifices”—good only for providing dumb pipes to deliver more innovative companies’ more innovative services.

I’m not going to, ahem, dog on Burrows too much. I did hear Tim Russert, Washington Bureau Chief for NBC News use the word the other day, as did Ann Curry. But I wonder how long it’s going to be until we hear “That story was dope, Ann. And now here’s Al with the dang ol’ weather.”

Figured I’d throw some redneck in there, too, just to be fair. Until then, watch this movie. I swear it’s prophetic.

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