The free option from AOL allows users to pick up a .com or .net domain and add up to 100 additional usernames to that domain.
AOL announced the unveiling of its My eAddress program available through their website.
The company will pick up the cost of registering an available domain, either in the top-level .com or .net choices.
“Great email domains are a hot commodity, and we’re excited to be able to finally help consumers create their own truly meaningful Internet identities – and for free,” said Roy Ben-Yoseph, Director of Communication Products, AOL.
“It’s a perfect solution for families, social organizations and even small businesses – as well as any individual who relies on email to communicate with others on an ongoing basis.”
My eAddress also looks like competition for efforts like Microsoft’s Office Live and Google’s Apps for Your Domains.
It provides the substantial AOL userbase with a domain name and web based email, which may be all an AOL user really wants.
Many domains consisting of common names and words have been registered over the years, so AOL offered some tips on finding a .com or .net domain that would work for a given user:
• Make it personal, memorable, and succinct. The shorter the domain is, the easier it may be for people to remember
• Ask for suggestions. If creating a domain for a book club or sports team, ask the other members see what creative ideas they may have
• Get creative. If creating a family domain with a common last name like Johnson or Williams, try adding the word “the” and making it plural, or also add a word like family, gang or crew, state initials, or zip code
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David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.