Sunday, February 23, 2025

Another Way to Narrow Your Margins


With the usual press release-driven fanfare, reserach company eMarketer has released a new study, “The Business of Blogging.” Asking price: US $695.

According to eMarketer’s hype, the study covers

  • What are the three main reasons blogs have not caught on with businesses?
  • How many US businesses are currently blogging?
  • How many plan to blog in the future?
  • Should marketers tap into the blog market?
  • How large is the blog audience?
  • What are the dangers of blogging?
  • And many more
  • For $695? Let’s see, there’s already at least one book on business blogging, not to mention some far less expensive reports. Scoble and Israel are working on their tome.

    Since the Business Week cover story, nearly every business publisher on the planet is scrambling to produce a book on business blogging.

    And if you do a search on the term, you’ll find more content available on web sites and blogs than you would ever need to understand the issue. Yet, undoubtedly, there are businesses out there fumbling for their corporate American Express cards so they can get their hands on this research, which “aggregates the latest data from Blogads, Forrester Research, Gallup, Harris Interactive, InsightExpress, Perseus Development, Pew Internet & American Life Project, Quris, Technorati, TNS and many others-with eMarketer’s objective, unbiased analysis to give you the information you need to make well-informed business decisions on the future of online marketing.”

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    Shel Holtz is principal of Holtz Communication + Technology which focuses on helping organizations apply online communication capabilities to their strategic organizational communications.

    As a professional communicator, Shel also writes the blog a shel of my former self.

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