Friday, September 20, 2024

(Another) New Google Books Deadline Set

It could be said that the Google Books case is becoming the new Microsoft-Yahoo deal, having created all sorts of controversy and dragged on and on.  And on some more, as it turns out, since the involved parties are pushing a target date back again.

A revised proposal concerning how Google and its critics could settle their differences was originally supposed to be submitted to Judge Denny Chin in Manhattan federal court a little more than a month ago.  Obviously, that didn’t happen, and Chin picked today (Monday, November 9th) as an alternate goal.

Now, Motoko Rich has reported, “The parties to the Google book settlement, which would legalize the creation of a vast library of digital books, have asked the judge overseeing a revision of the agreement for an extension to this Friday, Nov. 13.”

It sounds like the lines of communication are still very much open, though, as Rich also wrote, “[T]he group indicated that it had met with the Justice Department before and after the October status hearing and had met as recently as Friday, Nov. 6.”  And (hopefully) Friday the 13th isn’t far enough away for this delay to signal serious trouble.

So as before, stay tuned, and maybe this whole thing will be resolved before the “early 2010” deadline Microsoft and Yahoo have set for their partnership.

Related Articles:

> November 9th Target Set In Google Books Case

> Google Books Gets A Little More Organized

> Google Books Opens Door To On-Demand Printing

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