Sunday, February 23, 2025

AdWords Evangelist Available At SMX


Well, tomorrow’s the first day of SMX, and if you’re there, you’ve no doubt created a long list of people you want to meet and sessions you want to attend.  If you’ve got room for one more, Google’s offering its own Fred Vallaeys, Product Evangelist for AdWords.

“[W]e’re pleased to let you know that you can chat with Fred in person,” wrote “Blake” on the Inside AdWords Blog.  “On Wednesday February 27th, at 4:45pm, Fred is participating in a Paid Search Roundtable in which representatives from the major search ad networks, along with search marketers, will take questions from the audience. . . .  [W]e hope you’ll stop by, and don’t forget to bring your best questions for Fred.”

AdWords Evangelist Available At SMX Frederick Vallaeys

Or, if you feel like ambushing the guy elsewhere, Blake continues, “[Y]ou can catch up with Fred at the expo hall reception for conference attendees, from 6:00pm-7:00pm.  Fred truly enjoys the chance to meet AdWords advertisers, so keep an eye out for him.”  A short video then provides a look at Vallaeys.

We’re hoping Vallaeys is as sociable as this all makes him out to be – otherwise, his coworkers could be turning him into the subject of a sort of manhunt.  And on that note, though I can’t recommend that you interrupt their meals and such, anyone at the conference can at least keep an eye out for our Murdok team.  Everyone not at the conference is encouraged to look for their coverage.

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