Sunday, January 12, 2025

Advanced PR Technology in Practice


This Friday, March 2nd, I’m speaking at the Bulldog Reporter conferenceAdvanced PR Technology in Practice, a day-long event discussing how to transform the state of the art into increased visibility, greater ROI and crisis solutions.

The event will be held in Los Angeles at The Olympic Collection.

Advanced PR Technology

I participated in the event when it was in San Francisco last November. I was invited to speak on Social Media, its present and its future, but I was surprised at just how few of the attendees were familiar with the fundamental building blocks including tags, networks, crowd sourcing, RSS, etc.

At one point, I stopped the presentation to ask if people were familiar with flickr or But, only a few hands went up.

I documented the experience in this post, “Social Media and PR 911.”

This time I’m speaking with Jen McClure, Executive Director, Society for New Communications Research, and Eric Schwartzman, President, iPressroom . This is a well qualified group and I’m looking forward to discussing Social Media – what it is, isn’t, and how you can participate.

The panel is called, “Brave New World of Social Media”

A. How Will Consumer Generated Media (CGM) Change PR Forever

B. How PR Can Tap into New Social Media Networks

C. Wiki Update for Corporate Communicators

Too bad I’m not at the Chicago event. I would love to have participated in Shel Israel’s discussion,“Global Neighborhoods and Social Media: Changing PR From Monologue to Dialogue.”

Hope to see you there. If not, I’ll have my presentation on
Thinkfree (online alternative for Microsoft Office) for everyone to view.


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