Sunday, February 23, 2025

A JavaScript That Kills Google AutoLink Links


Chris and Gurtie at Search Guild have published a working script that webmasters can insert into their webpages that kills Google AutoLink links.

What you need to do:

  • Insert the script anywhere in your html
  • or link it using the <script> tag in the <head> of your pages
  • and it will rewrite, the rewritten urls. Killing the Autolink functionality.
  • Here is the code:

    // AutoBlink
    // Puts Google's Autolink on the Blink :)
    // (c) 2005 Chris Ridings
    // Redistribute at will but leave this message intact

    var linkcount;
    function countlinks() {
    &nbsp&nbsp var numlinks;
    &nbsp&nbsp numlinks=0;
    &nbsp&nbsp for (i=0; i

    Olivier Duffez is an SEO consultant specialized on Google. Working on the Internet since 1997, he created in 2002 Web Rank Info, a free SEO resources French community (+13,000 members), and in 2003 his company Web Rank Expert. He created an online collaborative dictionary supported by and DMOZ.

    He's giving SEO conferences in ImiTiki's seminars and wrote a book about Google and SEO in 2004. He's also part of the developpment team of PR Weaver and Agent Web Ranking softwares.

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