Friday, September 20, 2024

Business Wire, Newsforce Partner On SEO

Members of Business Wire will have access to a selection of tools from Newsforce, as Business Wire reveals its SEO solution.

Press releases have become more important to companies as they try to break through the barrage of online media to reach a target audience. News-focused sites like Yahoo News and Google News gather information from hundreds of sources, and having a press release relevant to a given topic could have a good chance of reaching that audience.

Business Wire will try to help companies improve those chances by offering a SEO solution in partnership with Newsforce. The new service will combine a keyword research tool, press release SEO tool, link building tool, and news search engine ranking report with the Business Wire distribution service.

Part of Business Wire’s service includes the NewsTrak Internet traffic report. This shows how visitors are reaching the advertiser’s website from news services. The importance of news site traffic has been noted in a couple of places online.

Among news sites, the Pew Internet & American Life Project said 50 million US citizens get their news online each day. Sites like Google News and Yahoo News make it easier for people to search for relevant stories based on their searches.

Those two sites compete on market share with some very well-known news website names, like CNN and the New York Times, according to the Hitwise analysis service.

The importance of the online press release has not escaped notice in the search engine optimization industry. One track at this week’s SES 2006 conference focuses on public relations, and it will include a session on News Search SEO. The panel there will discuss how to make use of press releases to reach a targeted audience in news search.

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David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.

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