Friday, September 20, 2024

My Adventure at BlogHer

This past weekend was BlogHer. I only was able to make it down for the Saturday sessions, but overall, I think it was a great event. In a sentence, it was the most valuable blogging-related event I have attended in the past year.

Now, some might think this is a little overblown, but, well, let them choke on their own bile. The event was how such blogging events should be: the newbies and the veterans getting together to discuss blogging and blogging practices. This is the only time that I have not seen the newbies attacked as idiots or undeserving the veterans attention, but rather working together to make the community better. Let me ask you: is that such a bad thing?

As others have noted, there was hugging and kissing and giggling – but that was pretty much just me, as I tend to hug and kiss people I know hello. And, well, I got to meet a lot of people that I read, but have not seen yet in person, or people that I met at the conference or people that are friends: Nellie Lide, Teresa Valdez Klein, Toby Bloomberg, Susan Getgood, Amy Gahran, Josh Hallett, Erin Caldwell, Robert Scoble, Stacy Libby … the list goes on and on, and the people that I forgot, I apologize.

And, well, Lisa and Elisa and Jory did a great job – and that’s not a shock. Yep, me talking to Jory and Elisa…

Well, read the . Check out the fast growing Flickr stream (thanks Josh). The people that weren’t there, they just don’t get it. They didn’t feel the vibe, they didn’t see the camaraderie. The show was well-done, it was smartly presented, and people built and supported a community.

Isn’t that what blogging is about? Building and supporting the community? Of course. Or, well, maybe not because some people don’t like to give up power.

Now, why was I there as a guy? To show off my orange Crocs. Okay, seriously, to me the BlogHer community is one of the most important for my profession. Simply stated. Plus, to find the next Martha Stewart and debate the morality of child outreach. 🙂

Jeremy Pepper is the CEO and founder of POP! Public Relations, a public relations firm based in Arizona, USA.

He authors the popular Musings from POP! Public Relations blog which offers Jeremy’s opinions and views – on public relations, publicity and other things.

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