Friday, September 20, 2024

WWJD About Net Neutrality?

A fascinating aspect of the Net Neutrality debate is the lack of traditional polarization. It’s not a tug-of-war between the politically opposed, but a soundproofed room behind marble walls. The majority party can’t hear their base, and the Christian Coalition is hoping to pray their way in.

The Coalition is planning a major push for August, targeting 20 Republican lawmakers though a blitz of letters, phone calls, and emails. They will join the efforts of their traditional political enemy,, to try and convince the majority party leaders that Net Neutrality is important to just about everyone who’s not collecting a check in some way from the telecommunications and cable industries.

At issue is support for a pro-neutrality amendment to Ted Stevens’ telecommunications bill, sponsored by Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND). The Snowe-Dorgan amendment, narrowly voted down in the Senate Commerce Committee, is expected to be introduced for a vote on the Senate floor along with Stevens’ bill.

What’s as interesting as political enemies signing on to an issue together, is that political leaders haven’t budged an inch from the party line, even to the extent that they’ve ignored a substantial portion of their base. Aristotle, Nietzsche, perhaps even John Adams, might approve of their resistance to the masses.

Or it may be, says the cynic, that the only base they have left is the corporation, and they’re sticking with them. Traditional Reaganites are beside themselves because of excessive spending and bloated, overreaching government.

And why, on this particular apolitical issue, do those of faith, who carried both GW and GHW to the White House, and orchestrated a stalemate in Congress in 1994, turn now to their leaders to see the backs of their gray suits?

Because it’s not about politics or religion, but a much more disagreeable subject. Prayers are appreciated and philosophies are duly noted, but it’s money that fuels campaigns.

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