Thursday, September 19, 2024

Podcasting and Beach Bums

“Go, Beach Bums!” Alright, so they could have done better with the name, but last year when it was announced that the Frontier League, an independent professional baseball league, was granting Traverse City an expansion team, I was excited.

In my opinion, it’s hard to top a stadium hot dog and singing ‘take me out to the ball game’ a capella with thousands of other off-key vocalists.

This morning, with the taste of a stadium dog still lingering from a weekend visit to the stadium, while reading a Nielsen//NetRatings article on the popularity of podcasts, I realized just how much podcasting, and these teams have in common.

Over the past few years, due largely to Apple and the iPod, podcasts have worked their way out of obscurity and onto the fringes of the marketing playing field. Much like the Traverse City Beach Bums and the other teams in the Frontier League, podcasting has started to make a name for itself in communities across the country. In the beginning, the pockets of followers may be modest and their fame reserved for small talk with the person sitting next to you before the first pitch, but over time, their followers and the reach of their fame continues to grow until, it reaches the ears of the masses.

Although podcasting, in its current form, is not the MLB of the marketing world, with the most recent Nielsen//NetRatings article results stating that over 9 million or about 6.6 percent of the adult online population have recently downloaded a podcast, it is safe to say that the fame has reached the ears of the masses, and that podcasting has played its way into big show of mainstream marketing.

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