Saturday, September 21, 2024

Google Compared To Cult

It’s commonly known that the Google corporation has many enthusiastic supporters. Most of the company’s workforce also seems very happy with their employer. Now, someone’s come right out and asked the question: “cult or corporation?”

The person with the inquisitive mind is Andrew Orlowski of The Register. Based on his understanding of Google, he says it seems like the company “would really, really like to have it both ways.” This comment at the head of his article doesn’t lead into any ranting or bashing; a fairly rational argument follows.

“Google has been recruiting the kind of people who you can rely on to enforce a cult-like mentality, inside and outside the organization,” Orlowski writes. For evidence, he cites the “spin doctors” Google has hired in the U.K., and “chief neo-con headbanger and former Carlyle Group bagman Dan Senor.”

Orlowski also notes that “Google’s cash cow, from which it derives 99 per cent of its income, is as an advertising broker. And at the core of Google’s advertising business is a black box. It’s an auction system in which Google controls the price. Whether you’re a buyer-selling stuff you want to place on Google-or whether you’re a seller, Google sets the terms. No arbitrage is permitted.”

A comparison is even made to one notorious firm. “Permitting a company to define’ the market, then control it, was demonstrated in a far distant era many readers may not remember-by a company called Enron,” Orlowski writes.

Orlowski has an interesting argument. It certainly doesn’t spell the end of the line for Google, in terms of popularity. But such criticisms could indicate that at least a little bit of Google’s image as one of the “good guys” is wearing off.

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Doug is a staff writer for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest eBusiness news.

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