Thursday, September 19, 2024

Million Surfer March Descends On Capitol lugged one million petitions and letters to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to reiterate to lawmakers that a large and diverse group of citizens from all political backgrounds favored Net Neutrality legislation.

Of chief concern this time was the urging of legislators to support the “Internet Freedom and Preservation Act” (S. 2917), a bill designed to block telecommunications and cable companies like AT&T and Comcast from degrading or interfering with Internet content or competing services.

Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND) attended the rally outside the Capitol.

“The idea that brings us together is a free and unfettered Internet,” said Snowe. “It’s vital we preserve, not undermine, the extraordinarily democratic technological network – over which content providers from the largest corporations in the biggest cities in the world to single individuals in rural towns have equal opportunity to reach millions of Internet users.”

Dorgan called preservation of the present open architecture of the Internet “essential.”

“That is what our bill would do – preserve Internet freedom, which is at the very core of what makes the Internet so important,” he said.

The coalition has collected over a million signatures to its petition to Congress on a matter that was virtually unknown in public sphere just two short months ago. So far, 761 organizations have joined the coalition.

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