Friday, September 20, 2024

NetAlter Plans SOA-Based Browser

Mumbia, India’s NetAlter Software Ltd has been working for a year toward the development of browser based on a service-oriented architecture platform.

After coding begins in mid-2006, NetAlter expects to have a beta version of its Service Browser available within a year. NetAlter said this browser would be platform-independent and would support most existing protocols and interfaces. There would also be support for advanced services, like those listed in a whitepaper:

Rich Client Applications,
On Demand Web Services,
Artificial Intelligent Search Engine,
Supercomputing Grid,
Artificial Intelligent Agents,
Personal Networking,
Peer to Peer File,
Information & Data sharing

Upon loading the Service Browser, users will be able to use its built-in search function instead of bringing in an external search engine.

NetAlter also claims the Service Browser will provide virus and spam protection, and it will help protect intellectual property rights. That seems to indicate some type of built-in DRM checking scheme or other digital media verification process.

However, some users may not care for the proposed grouping of the Service Browser as part of a broader network:

NetAlter Browser will provide the function to discover peer computers in the network and enable others to actively communicate with it, in order to form personal groups or social communities.

Simply by installing the browser on a user’s personal computer, the same will acquire the power of a supercomputer by voluntary participation in a democratic shared GRID constituting of hundreds and thousands of personal computers, servers and computing devices.
NetAlter said in a whitepaper that navigation through the nodes created by the network could retrieve and submit information in various formats from other nodes. A user could either navigate to the Web and retrieve content, or find it within NetAlter’s grid.

The company believes that even though it would have to overcome a lot of ingrained habits among end users in getting them to switch to using NetAlter. “Yet there is a silver lining here that people today are willing to adapt to new technology instead of being taken for granted using obsolete stuff,” NetAlter said.


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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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