Thursday, September 19, 2024

BlogBurst Puts Blogs In The News

Prominent online newspaper sites like from the San Francisco Chronicle and other began displaying blog content provided by Pluck’s BlogBurst syndication service.

Pluck announced the start of BlogBurst’s content syndication to several newspaper sites. The service pulls content from over 1,000 blog sources and delivers it to a variety of destinations.

One site, SFGate’s Travel section, shows a BlogBurst-labeled box called Travel Blog Posts. Four posts appear in the box, showing the title and a snippet of content. Interested readers can click through to read the entire post displayed on the SFGate site.

An expanded Travel Blog Posts box containing ten posts and the BlogBurst brand appears to the right of the full post. A banner ad appears atop the blog post section, and Google ads show up in a box below the full post.

BlogBurst said that visitors to those sites, which also include the Houston Chronicle and the Austin American-Statesman, benefit from the “expanded perspective” bloggers bring to their subjects. In turn, those bloggers receive attribution on those sites, and links back to the original blog post and the blog’s home page.

Also, BlogBurst noted “the most popular blog topics currently showing on these sites include travel, sports, home dcor, fashion and lifestyle.”

“Being syndicated through BlogBurst has provided a wonderful opportunity to draw in new readers and provide significant exposure to Accidental Hedonist,” Kate Hopkins, author of that popular food and travel blog, said in a statement. “BlogBurst gives me the chance to be read by people who typically don’t read blogs.”


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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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