Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Puts Europe On The Map

Google updated its map service in Europe to include street level views and driving directions in much of Western Europe. You may still be on your own, though, when trying to exit that famous London roundabout.

From National Lampoon’s European Vaction We just drive around this circle. It should be the second left.

There’s the hotel. Hey, look, there’s Big Ben and there’s Parliament.

There it is!

I know, I can’t seem to get over to the left. I’ll try next time.

Sorry. We’ll get out of this jam in a minute.

Kids, Big Ben, Parliament, again.


– We know. Big Ben. – Parliament.

Some Europeans seem disappointed that not all of Europe is covered. But those in Austria, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland should be excited to know that the maps appear in their native language and native country names like Polska (Poland) and Deutschland (Germany).

Countries in Eastern Europe, like Greece, Slovakia, and Hungary, according to the comments in this blog, and from this French article, are still largely unmapped except for major roadways.

European shop owners will also be pleased to know that the new release can help tourists find them. A search for restaurants in Paris will bring up a balloon filled map.

Before approximately 3:00 AM (Paris time), only national borders were featured on the site. An influx of European map gazers, says Philipp Lenssen, may have slowed down performance there.

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