Thursday, September 19, 2024

The British Cabinet Minister Who Blogs

Looking for something on one of the British government websites, I came across this – the blog being written by David Miliband, Minister of Communities and Local Government.

Not only a government minister but also a member of the Cabinet, the committee at the center of the British political system and the supreme decision-making body in government.

In the about page, Miliband sets out his goals:

This blog is my attempt to help bridge the gap – the growing and potentially dangerous gap – between politicians and the public. It will show some of what I’m doing, what I’m thinking about, and what I’ve read, heard or seen for myself which has sparked interest or influenced my ideas. My focus will be on my ministerial priorities and I will be sticking to the ministerial rules about collective responsibility.

I will read and respond to people’s comments on my posts. So please use this site as a noticeboard for new thoughts.

[] I don’t know of a similar experiment – so let’s see how it goes.

As far as I can tell, Miliband is the only British government minister at any level who is blogging. And he’s actually been doing it since the 2nd of January (internally – first public post on the 16th of March).

This is a great initiative in transparency. Hopefully the start of a trend.

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Neville Hobson is the author of the popular blog which focuses on business communication and technology.

Neville is currentlly the VP of New Marketing at Crayon. Visit Neville Hobson’s blog:

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