Thursday, September 19, 2024

C Programming References A Quick List

Whether it is C or C# or C++, somewhere there is a website that can help the vaunted programmer find some useful bit for his or her work.

For everyone who has memorized the contents of the Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan tome “The C Programming Language,” or even the recently released Peter Prinz and Tony Crawford opus “C in a Nutshell,” may be excused to go pick up wings and beverages for tonight’s NCAA men’s basketball games.

Still reading? Ok. We’re going to touch on some references C programmers should find useful. After digging around the Internet a bitok, after doing a search on Delicious for C programming information, a number of good resources crawl on their ones and zeroes into the browser.

The list of quick reference cards on Jialong He’s website at Arizona State U not only contains a link to a two-page C card, but links to references for several other topics.

These are useful to programmers who, through the acknowledgement of their wizardry, are assumed to know everything about technology. Not that they don’t, but programmers are busy people.

Being asked to divine the mysteries of Sendmail five minutes before lunch can ruin a programmer’s otherwise benign mood. Instead of giving the querent a wholly justified beating, a link to the Sendmail reference card can be provided instead.

A variety of reference material for experienced programmers resides at The site includes references for C/C++, the standard C library, and a C++ standard template library.

Also, links to lists of all the C functions or C++ functions returns a hyperlinked list of those functions. An explanation of each function can be found from its link.

The CSharpFriends website provides a syntax reference card for Microsoft’s answer to Java, C#. And on Harding University’s website, several contributors created comparison sheet for and C#, and Java and C#.

Of course, there is always the library or the bookstore, for those who prefer to keep a reference at hand. Having a couple of bookmarks to online references can help one get past a problem quickly, especially if you are working at a remote site and really need to dig deeper into a particular function.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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