Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Windows Vista delayed


As you might have read by now, Windows Vista has been delayed.

I found this out while I was at Mix06 and in Las Vegas hanging out with the community. I have not had time to get educated on this issue and so I’ll reserve most comment on it.

Various people are asking in my comments and in threads over on Channel 9 “where’s Scoble?” Translation: “why isn’t he commenting on this story?”

The answer: cause I don’t know enough about it and my readers have criticized me strongly in the past for shooting off my mouth before I know the full story.

That said, Memeorandum (linked above) has lots of links to the various people commenting on the story and I’m now participating in the Channel 9 thread. I’m sorry that I haven’t been in the office enough to learn what was behind this decision.

That all said. I’ve learned that dates in the software industry are likely to slip and I’m glad that our management is still paying more attention to product quality and customer and partner feedback than trying to meet some date. Yes, it’s painful. Yes, it’s embarrassing. But we have been through product slips before (before I was a Microsoft employee I was a beta tester on Windows 2000 which slipped years after the first test CDs arrived) and I’d rather have a slipped date than a cruddy product.

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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as PodTech.net’s Vice President of Media Development.

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