Sunday, October 6, 2024

How do you take your Blog Ketchup?

When I scan thru the headlines on my RSS aggregator, I’m quickly trying to determine if the post is worth exploring further.

I do that with everyone of the some 150+ feeds I subscribe to, except for one.

When ever Kim Krause-Berg posts to her blog, I instinctively click straight thru to the site. I know that when I get there, I’ll be better for reading what ever she has to say.

Today’s offering is no different. While many are trying to define blogging, Kim comes up with the perfect analogy. Blogs are like an order of french fries with ketchup. Different people have different ways of taking their order, but its all still fries with ketchup.

With blogs and fries, you get used to the same delivered order. You get familiar with the blog cook. You come to expect the plain fries blog, where you scroll down and grab the news in bits and pieces, hoping it’s not a re-run you just read at another blog. Sometimes you get a catsup splattered blog, which has embedded links, pictures, quotes, categories, tag clouds, and comments. You get your fingers wet because there’s lots of places to stick them.

So where does MP fit in the analogy? I like to think that we’re the ketchup that stays put in the bottle. You know there is something good inside somewhere, you just hope that you can get to it before you run out of fries. 😉

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Andy Beal is an internet marketing consultant and considered one of the world’s most respected and interactive search engine marketing experts. Andy has worked with many Fortune 1000 companies such as Motorola, CitiFinancial, Lowes, Alaska Air, DeWALT, NBC and Experian.

You can read his internet marketing blog at Marketing Pilgrim and reach him at

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