Sunday, October 6, 2024

MySpace Sending Hints About Messaging

A page on noted the forthcoming MySpace Messenger service, which looks like a way the social networking service plans to keep its brand on its users’ desktops.

MySpace Sending Hints About Messaging Rumors About MySpace Messaging Are Spreading
MySpace provided few details about their “coming soon” IM service. But users can login to the service now from a page on MySpace Messenger.

Although a Messenger account can be activated, a login to the client itself cannot be launched yet.

The two screenshots provided by MySpace show a client application that looks a bit like AOL’s new AIM Triton software. MySpace does not say whether its service will be closed or interoperable with other IM systems like AIM or the open source Jabber software, but the latter seems more likely.

Being a MySpace application, Messenger has generated some chatter through the blogosphere. Mashable’s Pete Cashmore noted why such an application would be appropriate for News Corp to enable for MySpace:

…when MySpace users aren’t on MySpace, they’re checking their email or chatting on IM. If Fox Interactive can own that time too, they’ll have 100% attention from the youth demographic. Hence, getting into the IM and email space would make perfect sense.
Loren Baker at Search Engine Journal opined that, “I think its quite safe to expect VOIP and mobile communications integration into the Myspace Messenger system, which is what will become the major FOX Interactive backbone for decades to come.”

To Business 2.0 senior writer Om Malik, MySpace Messenger has the potential to disrupt the cozy leads Yahoo and AIM have held with their IM services:

This is the first time I think Yahoo, MSN and AIM have some serious competition, and I predict that this will change the market share equation.

(The) MySpace money machine is now about to hit the second gear as this IM can support banner ads, and inline commerce.
News Corp has been eagerly courting advertisers to MySpace, and now has additional real estate to offer as part of its advertising inventory. Malik’s observation probably has been part of Rupert Murdoch’s plans for the IM service since News Corp bought MySpace parent company Intermix in 2005.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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