Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Displaying New Look To Users

The portal has made some changes to its look and feel available to more visitors, but only if they arrive using the Internet Explorer browser.

“Send feedback on our test page,” Yahoo asked at the top right of the new look they plan to make available to a broader audience. The site has come a long way since its earliest incarnation of two columns of directory links on a grey background.

Seeing the changes means Firefox fanatics and Opera users will have to switch to IE for the visit. The Yahoo logo has been shifted from the center to the left side of the page. Various search options appear atop the search box.

Quick links to popular Yahoo services accompanied by small icons run down the left side of the page, while on the right Yahoo has placed six popular choices in individual rectangular images.

The center of the new page contains featured news stories. Below the center features, users can click on options to see top US or World news links; they can also select from Videos about current stories.

Only a single advertisement appears above the fold, on the right side of the page below the popular service images and a box linked to Yahoo Shopping. More ads can be viewed in the bottom center of the homepage by scrolling down.

It looks as though any premium Yahoo has charged for prime ad placement on the homepage just became even more expensive for that single rectangle of choice screen real estate.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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