Thursday, September 19, 2024

Where the Women Bloghers Are

[Straining] I won’tmake lamegender puns! Iwon’tmake lamegender puns! There are no himbos allowed in this blogher network, unless you’d like a real herstory-making, estronomical dose of herorrhoids. Doh! Himicane, hersterectomy, feminsula! Daggone it!

Don’t Call Them Girls

“You see those girls? No, you don’t. Those are women. You call them girls and they’ll pop your figs.”

—From one of the funniest movies ever.

Are you wondering where the women bloggers are this Valentine’s Day? You’re search is over. is a female blogger network dedicated to “creating opportunities for women bloggers to pursue exposure, education, and community.”

BlogHer was founded by journalist Lisa Stone, entrepreneur Elisa Camahort, and media strategist Jory Des Jardins in February 2005.

Offering a place in the blogosphere for women to create a collective voice discussing over 20 different topics like life, politics, feminism, and even more traditional things like knitting and cooking. Blogher has attracted sponsorships from companies like Google, Yahoo! and

On Valentine’s Day, there are a number of topics being discussed by network members like the holiday’s history, love, self-identity. Invitations are made to readers and bloghers to submit their Valentine’s stories by this blogher (though it’s unclear if happy ones are welcome).

Another blogher announces “Blog Against Sexism Day” for March 8th , on International Women’s Day, and encourages others, especially men, to write “a little something against sexism, against Patriarchy, against Male Supremacy.” Reprogramming begins at noon.

But, can a guy be a BlogHer? The website says “yes,” but suspicially the male blogher requirements page currently (4:09 PM EST 2/14/06) returns a 404 error page. Hmmm.

The Blogher team says their long term vision is to build a system for achievement of goals in the name of do-ocracy.

Because a buck-ocracy just wouldn’t work, would it?

[Banging head on desk] Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

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