Saturday, October 5, 2024

Yahoo Opens User Interface To Developers

Yahoo has followed up the opening of some of their web services APIs with a pair of programming libraries for developers to use.

Another day, another blog. In this case, Yahoo launched its User Interface blog to unveil two new libraries. Considering that the new toys are the ones Yahoo uses on its pages, developers should really enjoy these libraries.

Yahoo released its Design Pattern Library under the Creative Commons Attribution-By License. They describe Patterns as “an optimal solution to a common problem within a specific context,” and related the process behind their development to product design.

Patterns address user needs and application needs. For users, that could mean site navigation, exploring data, or even a drag-and-drop solution. On applications, patterns help improve content readability and group related items.

The User Interface Library has been provided with a BSD license offers developers JavaScript-built utilities and controls. Those who work on the client side of applications can build functionality with the library and their DOM scripting or Ajax skills.

Core utilities in the UI Library handle browser events, animation on a page, and a Connection Manager to handle those Ajax XMLHttpRequests. Controls in the library include a calendar, a slider for choosing within a range of values, and the often-seen tree view where items like folders can be expanded or closed in the browser window.

Yahoo noted that while the Design Pattern Library does not require the UI Library, using them together can help developers more easily build web pages and applications.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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