Friday, September 20, 2024

Activists Plan V-Day Breakup With Google

The old saying that begins “there’s no love lost” won’t be finished with “between Google and the latest Google protestors.” There is love lost. is littered with breakup notes to Google after the search company conceded to Chinese censorship demands. The broken-hearted boycott is scheduled for Valentines Day.

“I’ve been hurt before, but never like this,” writes Matt. “You broke my heart, I’m going to make your car smell like the men’s room in Yankee Stadium. And just hope you’re wearing boots when you answer your door from now on, Google, because that flaming bag just might be filled with.”

Well, you probably know.

Matt’s breakup letter just one ofa lot (note the tiny little scroll bar) on, a website operated by Students for a Free Tibet.

The letters express not just outrage, but extreme disappointment, as Google is seen by the writers to have broken its romantic promise of not being evil.

Those little message-inscribed candy hearts we’ve enjoyed with the little red-haired girl since elementary school have had their sweet nothings replaced with shrieking cries like “sell out” and “shame.”

Ah, nobody knows how to kick you in the privates like an ex-lover. China hath no fury like a searcher scorned.

The site offers the addresses of Google offices around the world where jilted Googlites can join protests on Valentines Day. So far, nearly 3,000 people have signed the website’s online pledge to boycott.

After images of pierced hearts and wilted roses, visitors will notice, in romantic pinkish letters to the right, the call to break up with Google. While Google is receiving the brunt of the wrath, the folks organizing the mass dumping have a few choice words for Microsoft and Yahoo! as well.

“We’re outraged at their actions too – particularly the news that Yahoo! gave the Chinese government information on another Chinese dissident who was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the “crime” of supporting democracy.”

Visitors can sign a petition against Yahoo!, Microsoft and Cisco as well.

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