Friday, September 20, 2024

Dogpile Begs For Treats; Tops Its Own List

On its tenth birthday, checked its answering machine. The robotic voice returned the dirge of social acknowledgement, “no new messages.” So decided to pat itself on the back as one of the best combinations in recent history and jotted down some others.

Dogpile Begs For Treats; Tops Its Own List Dogpile Piles On With Their Year-End List
The worst combinations are on the list as well, an inventory the search engine team decided to send out in a press release. And now we’ll all have the best/worst combinations list too.

Okay Dogpile, here’s a bone–happy birthday. Its so sad when somebody has to fish for it.

“ was humbly born on January 2, 1996 when its founders noticed that different search engines often return different results for the very same term,” reads the sad little release.

“Since then, Internet search has become the second most popular online activity, after e-mail, yet many people are still in the dark about the advantages of metasearch, prompting to celebrate itself, along with a few other notable hits and misses.”

You know sometimes when I’m alone, I celebrate myself as well.

Worst Combinations:

— Tom Cruise + Katie Holmes = TomKat
Whether talking about TomKat or Bennifer, the trend of
combining celebrity couples’ names for ease of tabloiding is
just plain out of control.

— Short On Top + Long In the Back = Mullet
With no less than a hundred subsets, no list of bad
combinations would be complete without the iconic mullet.

— Turkey + Duck + Chicken = Turducken
This multi-bird roast combines a turkey stuffed with a duck,
which itself is stuffed with a small chicken. In an age of
higher health-consciousness, this triple meat combination is a
pure artery clogger.

— Pickles + Chips = Pickle Sandwich
This is a classic example of a food combination gone awry.
Everyone has their personal favorite – think back to the
school lunch, when the kid with the pickle sandwich always had
trouble trading that with a lunch mate.

Best Combinations:

— Spoon + Fork = Spork
Since 1970 the spork has cut the need for school lunch
utensils by half, affording both an economic and environmental
friendly impact that can not be minimized. Best used for foods
that can be eaten by either a fork or spoon, the spork is a
cafeteria classic.

— Lion + Tiger = Liger
A top combo hailed by an Indie film classic, or if for no
other reason than the Liger’s purported magical skills.

— Gas Engine + Electric Engine = Hybrid Engine
For years, the internal combustion engine has become a major
air polluter, but now we’ve learned to dramatically cut
harmful emissions and price gouging at the pump with the fuel
efficient hybrid engine.

— Google + Yahoo! Search + MSN Search + Ask =
Through this ingenious combination, offers the
most efficient way to find what you are looking for on the
Internet. First page search results are largely different
across all four top engines, which makes home to
some of the most relevant search results on the ‘Net.

It’s good to see the spork finally make a list. is taking submissions for best/worst combinations via email, to be compiled and released later. Send your suggestions to or visit

This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen, besides this.

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