Friday, September 20, 2024

Wall Street Journal Legally Blogging

It took the Journal 106 years to make color a part of the print edition, but the publishers have integrated blogging relatively quickly to the online version of the paper.

On January 2nd, the Wall Street Journal debuted its Law Blog online. A dedicated law page also took its place on the Journal’s site.

Compared to the straightforward manner of the Journal’s articles, the Law Blog comes across practically as a night at Caroline’s. One of the first seven entries for the blog’s opening day concerns Gawker Media’s Wonkette blog.

The entry said Ana Marie Cox, the blogger behind Wonkette, will depart to do her book tour. A federal prosecutor who runs the irreverent judicial blog “Underneath Their Robes,” David Lat, has been slated to take over along with a co-editor.

WSJ’s Peter Lattman, lead writer for the new blog, described the Law Blog’s aims in a post:

Our mission: to scour the universe for compelling stories in two related areas: business and law, and the business of law We’ll write about industry news and legal trends, with a sprinkle of good old-fashioned gossip.
So far they’re posting at a blistering pace, 24 posts and counting in just under 3 days. They allow comments and publish a RSS feed, too. Now we’ll have to see if Lattman et al can maintain their posting productivity in the long term.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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