Thursday, September 19, 2024

Finding Good Blogs

Finding good blogs can be a challege. If you’re into voting for blogs, KBCafe Blog Award Voting is going on between now and Dec 31st.

There are several search engine and marketing related categories including:

Best Google Blog
Best Yahoo! Blog
Best Microsoft Blog
Best Webvertising Blog
Best SEO Blog
Best Marketing Blog

This blog, Online Marketing Blog is somehow mentioned in the Best SEO Blog category along with some very good company:

Search Engine Marketing Weblog – More of a news blog on search engines with some SEO.

Matt Cutts – Not an SEO blog per se. It’s about putting the kibosh on SEO. He even dreams of it!

Search Engine Roundtable – More about SEO than any others in my opinion.

How Online Marketing Blog got in there, out of probably several hundred other SEO blogs, I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because of the ranking for: “SEO blog” on Google. Who knows?

What like about these blog rating things is that you get exposed to new blogs that are really good. The KBCafe Blog Award has all kinds of blogs: Food, Sci Fi, Disease, Toronto, Hockey (makes sense with Toronto), Right wing, Left wing and even blogs about War. I found a few good blogs in there and have added them to my feed reader.

Check it out and you may find some blogs that are new and interesting.

Lee Odden is President and Founder of
TopRank Online Marketing, specializing in organic SEO, blog
marketing and online public relations. He’s been cited as a search
marketing expert by publications including U.S. News & World Report and
The Economist and has implemented successful search marketing programs
with top BtoB companies of all sizes. Odden shares his marketing
expertise at Online Marketing Blog offering
daily news, interviews and best practices.

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