Saturday, October 5, 2024

Oracle, Innobase and MySQL

One of the biggest events in the database industry in recent weeks has certainly been Oracle’s purchase of the Finnish company Innobase. After six weeks other have been seriously considering their options, including the open-source database, MySQL.

In a recent discussion with ComputerWorld, MySQL vice president Richard Mason discussed the future of MySQL in light of the recent move by Oracle. He suggested MySQL is making some moves, possibly for a replacement option.

“Because Oracle made that acquisition we are evaluating options to replace that functionality in some way,” Mason told Computerworld. “We’re not at the point yet where we can go public with what that plan is but we will be shortly.”

The reason this move is so significant is because of Innobase’s product, InnoDB. InnoDB is the most popular storage engine used with MySQL and Innobase has a contract with MySQL that ends in the coming year. As Oracle and MySQL are competitors, one can see why the replacement is needed.

One commenter ComputerWorld quoted suggested it’s still not entirely clear as to why Oracle purchased Innobase. There’s even the possibility they may continue to let Innobase use the MySQL code. Realistically, this probably isn’t the case.

What will probably happen is any products already out will remain unchanged. They will be allowed to run their lifespan. The trick comes in on future developments. One can expect Oracle will want to raise the rates a little in the new contract if one is even negotiated.

Regardless of the outcome with Oracle, MySQL has some things working for them including contracts with Novell, Dell and HP. As ComputerWorld mentioned, Mason pointed out, both HP and Novell have MySQL on their prices lists and can put customers through to their channels.

While the Oracle’s purchase of Innobase makes one wonder, MySQL should be fine for the time being. Much will be determined though when they release their alternative.

John Stith is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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