Sunday, October 6, 2024

Communicators Still Tiptoeing Around Blogs

Though professional communicators are aware of the weblog boom, the majority still seem reluctant to embrace the medium amid fears of the inherent lack of control of information that comes with it, according to a recent poll.

Probably due to the audience, the numbers reported from the Dallas chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators’ Quick Poll came back more informed than a recent poll among cab drivers, barbers, and bartenders in London, where blogging was not only unheard of, but the term was often confused with a public sex meme known as “dogging.”

Though most respondents knew of the weblog, a minority of them actually employ the tool as part of their corporate strategy. Almost 60 percent of professional communicators said blogging is not something they do individually or as a corporate communication tool.

Only one-third said blogging is something they or their company do as part of their communication efforts. While just 17 percent of respondents said they operate a personal blog, about 97 percent reported they knew what a blog was.

“Blogging is a new platform for companies and individuals to communicate on key issues, trends, corporate strategies and more,” said Carrie Mamantov, Dallas/IABC’s technology director.

“It’s also becoming controversial, since anybody can create a blog in minutes. There’s always a risk of negative views posted in contrast to the blog’s original purpose. While the risks have companies and communicators developing strong policies and parameters around blogging, there are several ways to leverage this new communication vehicle.”

More and more companies are turning to weblogs as a way to interact with customers and interested parties, as ways to improve their market strategy, and as a way to personalize what the company is doing. Though the weblog is increasing in popularity and notoriety, with even senior citizens getting into the act, it has yet to really penetrate the social consciousness.

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