Thursday, September 19, 2024

Web 2.0 Conference – Random Rants

Found someone’s notepad at the Web 2.0 conference… One thing that’s different this year is talk of infrastructure.

One stealth mode startup sees the need for different data center capabilities for social software. Rackable was brought on the big stage. This cycle happened during the boom, and in fact, it’s the infrastructure guys that are safer bets.

Everytime the AT&T Research guy gives a talk, he says, “It’s what I call a [insert common technology term here].”

If you see me wince, it’s because I cracked a rib playing soccer this weekend. Hard to breath, not just because there isn’t much oxygen here.

Was kind of weird how many friends I had to congrat for striking gold, the most bubble feeling I’ve had yet.

Mary Hodder pointed out, do you have to have an acquisition to be cool these days?

The buzzword drinking game Wednesday night during the MS talk started with a single toast to Long Tail. My head still hurts.

Sergey’s drop in session was one of the better conversations, as often is when things are not planned. His comments that Office for the Web wasn’t the right thing were spot on. “Taking previous generation of technologies and porting them to the web (e.g. mini computer on the web with ajax) doesn’t make sense. The tech we have today lets us do new and better things that lets us accomplish the same things and more.”


Is the only business model get acquired? Until you wake up and remember revenue.

The NetGen panel was the wisest. Especially the freshman from Cal that uses Facebook and MySpace to help do her homework. Or the guy who would spend his $100 on burritos and gasoline.

We played in the park and we always played better when we played free. I think it’s a good thing to share and give people something. Whets their appetite too…if they go to the trouble to bring a machine and tape it, they should have it.”

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Ross Mayfield is CEO and co-founder of Socialtext, an emerging provider of Enterprise Social Software that dramatically increases group productivity and develops a group memory.

He also writes Ross Mayfield’s Weblog which focuses on markets, technology and musings.

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