Sunday, October 6, 2024

NASA and Google Join Up/ Web 2.0 Talk

Some interesting things on the blogs today (I am linking here to Memeorandum): Om Malik touched off a firestorm of comment …

… with “What is Web 2.0?” NASA announces a bunch of stuff with Google. Interesting! You know, when I got a tour of Microsoft’s Research center you can see two guys playing with nano technology (machines on a chip). Those guys believed that the tough problems in software were going to come about because of these machines.

What does NASA in Mountain View have? Tons of people who really understand machines and materials. My dad worked next door at Lockheed and I got tours of NASA often. They let me play with the material that protects the space shuttle. Oh, when I played with it it had been heated up to 2,000 degrees. It was glowing red hot and you could hold it.

So, now the labs that produced that are gonna be working with Google. Scary. Cool. All together.

I’m reading Ray Kurzweil’s book, the Singularity is Near. In it he talks about the manufacture of a new kind of artificial intelligence. It’s a fascinating book and one that’s making me think a lot about the future.

It sounds like Google has already read that book and is working with NASA on building some interesting stuff.

An interesting new world is coming, that’s for sure.

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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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