Thursday, September 19, 2024

Flickrers Still Flicked Off At Flickr

Some time ago, the mighty Yahoo looked down and saw many people, called Flickrers, collecting photos in the great Flickr. The Yahoo grew curious and gazed longingly as image after image continued to appear and it made the Yahoo hunger for images of its own. And so the Yahoo swallowed the Flickr whole.

And in the great consumption, the Flickrers grew irritable because the plague of the banners began. The plague crossed all lines and Flickrers complained that the Yahoo would throw these banners about indiscriminately, with no accounting for the weaving of these banners.

Ok, so this may be a little melodramatic, but hopefully you get the idea. Ever since Yahoo added Flickr to their fold, a number of Flickr users were unhappy because ads were appearing more frequently, rumors of registering with Yahoo, and even Yahoo using photos in a nonchalant manor with no regard for the posters.

Now, AdRants recently posted comments regarding the content of the ads and the fact the photo posters are allowed very little if any editorial control over how their photos might show up in relation to the content of ads.

AdRants commented on a Flickrer referring to a photo of a dog and an ad next to it with puppies for sale. The problem the poster, Tanais, had was about the origin of the ad. The picture featured is hers and she wants to exercise some editorial control over the ads next to her pictures.

The way to get rid of ads from a Flickr experience is through the Pro account. It promises an ad-free browsing and sharing experience except in extreme cases, whatever those may be.

In the meantime, users will have to put up with the ads and try to get Yahoo to alter some of its ad choices. How the Yahoo will respond remains a mystery.

John Stith is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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