Thursday, September 19, 2024

PR Bloggers: Shall We Serve Cheese With the Whine?

Since blogs are essentially online op-ed pages, I’m leveling a challenge to every single PR blogger, including myself.

Do unto others.

I’m weary from reading posts where public relations professionals pontificate to others in the industry about how they are clueless about blogging. Sometimes it seems as if we seemingly lie in wait, eager to pounce on PR people that try blogging, but make mistakes.

Mistakes make good meme fodder.

Then when the industry makes an effort at learning the rules, we simply respond with more criticism and tell them to learn by doing and start a blog. We all know what can happen if someone creates a blog without looking before they leap.

The only thing louder than the buzz around the promise and opportunity held in CGM is the whine from our industry around the need to sit at management’s table. It’s a classic complaint. Yet when we are put in a position of early adopter, a clear opportunity to offer guidance from a position of authority, we act like children and treat blogging like a club. And, if you need to ask the rules, you can’t be a member in this club-unless we like you.

Please. If this is how we act over one facet of the social media phenomenon, we should be sitting at the kid’s table instead of management’s.

At the end of the day, we all mean well. If you disagree with this post, just remember it’s leveled at every PR blogger, including myself.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and here is mine: Do unto others. Think Reporters without Borders instead of patronizing posts.

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Kevin Dugan is the author of the popular Strategic Public Relations blog. Kevin is Director of Marketing Communications for FRCH Design Worldwide.

Visit Kevin’s blog: Strategic Public Relations.

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