Thursday, September 19, 2024

WebSourced Says Allegations Wrong

WebSourced CEO Pat Martin has not resigned according to WebSourced. Recent rumors floating around the blogosphere reported he had resigned and also that the company had been raided by the North Carolina Dept. of Revenue. According to sources at WebSourced, both of these are just unfounded rumors.

Xavier Hermosillo, a member of the Board of Directors of WebSourced parent company ThinkPartnershipInc and President of CrisisPros, told Murdok, “Pat Martin has not resigned. He requested time off so we gave it to him. He’s not told us he’s resigned.”

Last week, Nick Wilson reported on an alledged raid by the North Carolina Dept. of Revenue at WebSourced. Today, Nick points to a comment at Search Engine Roundtable which pointed to a post at Search Engine Watch claiming WebSourced CEO Pat Martin had resigned.

“ThreadWatch is one of the last places you’d want to look for accurate information, Last week they said we were being raided and mentioned cooking the books. They also said the CFO was eyeing the door nervously.’ Everything on ThreadWatch is absolute lies and I don’t respond to lies. Someone, somewhere is feeding them bogus information or they’re making it up. We were not raided. Two young auditors came and did their thing and it took about three hours and then they left.”

Hermosillo continued, “ThreadWatch reporting a raid was irresponsible. The problem is these blogs are looking for readers and then when they get information wrong, they won’t go back and say they’re wrong.”

Murdok talked to the North Carolina Dept. of Revenue and they said that if an investigation were ongoing, they couldn’t comment on it. At the time of this story, Nick Wilson, owner of the ThreadWatch website had not responded to inquiries.

John Stith is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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