Saturday, October 5, 2024

Y Yahoo Cant Be

Yahoo has filed to register as a trademark, but whether it will ever be able to use the single-letter domain isn’t known.

The Search Engine Watch forums have been bantering about the recently disclosed registration of as a trademark by Yahoo. Though it would be a major marketing coup, it doesn’t seem likely under existing ICANN policy that Yahoo will get to be online.

In 1993, Jon Postel registered all the single letter domain names he could with IANA as the owner. The intent seems to have been to insure the continued functionality of the domain name system, as noted in this May 2000 email requesting the domain:

Some years ago, Jon Postel in his capacity as IANA reserved these domains because in his judgment doing so would contribute to successful operation of the domain name system for all users. Like other pre-existing IANA policies, this policy is being continued under ICANN management until such time as a policy proceeding conducted under our organizational structure and Bylaws comes to the conclusion that these domains should be treated in some other manner.
Under the .com TLD, three single-letter domains that were already registered before Mr. Postel could register them are now owned by these firms:

• (Qwest Communications)
• (PayPal)
• (Nissan)

Until ICANN decides to put the remaining single letter .com domains up for sale, Yahoo and other companies that have trademarked those domains may not ever be able to use them online. The prevailing corporate wisdom seems to be that an existing trademark would negate the potential for paying seven figures or more for a single letter domain in the open market.

David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business. Email him here.

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