Saturday, September 21, 2024

You Can Be Banned By Google For Using You Own Website

Silly. Yes it may sound so. But it is not. And when your revenue is heavily depending on Google you cannot take risk of ignoring this bad habit residing in you.

Johny was working as netpreneur for last two years. His website was ranked very high in Google fetching a big chunk of regular customer from it. But Johny was a laid back entrepreneur. Who has a bad habit of procrastination. He has not updated his site for a long time. Johny noticed this, he worked very hard and gets some very good and some good content for his website written and compiled by his employee. And one day he uploaded his folder consisting of 800 new content rich pages. He was sure these pages would add great value to his website.

But in very short span he was sweating with surprise. All of his pages, who were ranked very high, were dropped in ranking. Some were clearing out of race. And them this happened.

There was no listing for the name of his website at all.

What has gone wrong? Nothing. Actually, it was the reason we all love Google. Google is the most advance spam avoiding search engine. It is very difficult if not impossible to spam website and higher rank in Google. Google hate this and ban any kind of spamming. On of its filter is to watch what is happen at the specific website. How the daily traffic and activities going on there at the website server. By analyzing this Google can predict future course of the website. What Johny did wrong was his website earlier pages were 1000 in number. He was not a regular man on his website. One day he uploaded a folder containing 800 pages. Which was a clear sign of spam from Google efficient filter?

This filter forces you to be serious on your website and upload or update your website at regular interval. It hardly matter how big or small update you are doing, but you do it regularly to keep Google inform and at alert. (What it always is) to inform Google about your website and what is happening there you can use Google service called Google sitemap. This is a technology developed by Google which keep informing the Google bot about all pages residing on the particular website server, time when it was last modified, what is regular interval of action on particular page and many other things.

This helps Google bot to decide when he can walk over your website for new content. Along that you also get listed in Google sooner than by using regular ways of doing thing.

So next time, if you are looking to update your website, do not be lazy. Do it in small step and on regular interval.

You may not be the spammer, but do not let Google catch you on wrong foot.

Arvind Kumar is one of prominent writer and consultant on Marketing and Management. You can reach him at For more on Gorilla Marketing Strategy and planning visit

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