Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top Online Broadcast Media Destinations

The Center for Media Research published a brief on Friday detailing the metrics for online broadcast media advertising, audience and ads. The information covers what sites are being visited, who’s going on there, who the top advertisers are, the ad sizes and the ad formats. Also notice that MSN, AOL and Yahoo are all in the list.

They broke down the scores based on the television industry and the radio industry. The top 10 online broadcast media destinations put CBS at the top with 4,614,000 in unique audience and 3.62% active reach followed by MSN Video with 3,261,000 and 2.56 reach followed by AOL Television at 2,673,000 and 2.1 in active reach.

Next was BBC, Clear Channel Communications, NBC Universal, and ABC.Com. Bringing up the rear were Nick, Yahoo TV with 1.703,000 and a 1.34% reach and then

Then they broke down the demographic data with nearly 58 million in the unique audience. Male to female ratio was pretty close with 51% male and 49% female. The largest age group was 45+ at 47% and the $50,000-74,999 income bracket numbered the most at 28.86 followed closely by the $25,000-49,999 at 23%.

The top 20 advertisers on the television segement include Viacom with 19,536,000 impressions and 15.3% of all impressions. Disney was next with 18,506 million impressions and 14.5% and Cablevision Systems was next with 17,763,000 and 13.9%.

The list was filled out by A&E, Cox, News Corp, Jones Int’l, Time Warner, E.W. Scripps, Discovery Communications, MSNBC, Game Show Network, Bell Globemedia, Detroit Educational Television Foundation, GE, Sony, Speed Channel, INHD, Grupo Dataflux, and finally ovation. The total was nearly 128 billion impressions.

They also listed ad sizes too. Leaderboards rule the roost with over 39 million impressions and 30.6%. The next closest would be medium rectangles with around 26 million and 20.4% followed by full banner with close to 19 million impressions and 14.6%.
The list included skyscrapers, rectangles, buttons and banners. Overall, the list hit about 128 billion impressions.

Ad delivery types included inlines at 125 billion impressions and 97.8% of the overall market. Pop-Ups are next with 1% and 1.225 million impressions. Obviously, the inline completely dominates everything else.

The radio industry had Disney at the top of the list with 340,000 impressions and 28.5% followed by Compass Radio Group with 217,000 impression and 18.2% and then CRISTA with 132,000 and 11.1%.

Also there were, Executive Broadcast, Radio America, News 5 Net, Jones Int’l, Ruffsounds Production, Clear Channel, Citadel Broadcasting, and The Tour Bus. Rounding out the list was Mid-West Mgmt., Viacom, News/Talk 910 WSBA, Entercom Communications, Journal Broadcast and Las Vegas Broadcasters. It totaled 1.192 million impressions.

These results were compiled by Nielsen/NetRatings AdRelevance. The things to note were the placement at the top of MSN, AOL and Yahoo. There media ratings show potential for awesome ad revenues along those routes and it gives one more reason for people to spend time at those sites.

John Stith is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.

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