Friday, September 20, 2024

Forbes Issues E-Gang List

Being acknowledged for the work you do can be quite rewarding, especially when it comes from a publication as notable and respected as Forbes.

Because of the Forbes reputation, you can imagine the pride you’d feel when you’ve been named as part of the E-Gang and as one of the “Masters of Information” for your the part you played in collecting, analyzing and applying data from the Web.

So you can imagine the sense of accomplishment felt by this year’s list of newly appointed E-Gang members, which includes: Ellen Siminoff, CEO of Efficient Frontier; Peter Norvig, Google’s director of search quality and research; and Barry Diller, chairman of IAC/InterActiveCorp and Founder of the Fox Broadcast Network.

Other recipients of this year’s (2005) E-Gang award are Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield, creators of; Jeffery Jonas of IBM Entity Analytics; John Markus Lervik, co-founder of Fast Search & Transfer; and Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia.

Ellen Siminoff was recognized for her excellence in the search engine marketing industry offered these thoughts, “I have seen the industry change and evolve in incredible ways since my time at Yahoo Success is dependent on having the right mix of technology and market understanding — and Efficient Frontier has both. Search works, and this honor really reflects our ability to deliver results for our customers.”

Each year the E-Gang awards are given to a specfic field of interest. The first year they were given, 2002, they focused on six medical marvels, while last year’s E-Gang recognized Internet trendsetters. The 2005 E-Gang focused on search and the gathering of information that’s related to this field.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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