Friday, September 20, 2024

Jeteye Jetpaks Wiki-d Geeked Up Search Thing

We are all going to OD on cool stuff you can find on the Internet. Just as you get all of last week’s feature updates downloaded and configured, somebody else comes along with something you have to get on account of its coolness. Enter Jeteye Inc. with some wiki-d “Jetpaks” into your online vocabulary.

Geek is in, man, and if the phonetic similarities to “Jedi” weren’t enough to clue in as to what this is about, then let me tell you, it takes whatever you’re geeky about to a whole new level.

Jeteye has launched a beta version of a shared search platform that combines user generated search results from any engine for blogs, photos, links (whatever) and piles them neatly into self-organized packets called “Jetpaks.”

The personalized Jetpaks are wiki-ready and can be set up to be edited, commented on, or added to by other Jetpak owners (at the users discretion). Like blogs, you can link to other Jetpaks you like.

These will all be indexed, of course, and made available, through user submission, on the Jeteye search index.

For example, if you’ve got a great Star Trek Jetpak filled with searches and photos and stories all things Captain Kirk (never Picard, the poser), you can share your collection with other Trekkie Jetpaks, commenting and editing each other’s geeky obsessions.

Jeteye’s CEO, David Hayden, says his company has added “intuition” to the search field by melding computing algorithms and human thought. Jetpaks work by forming social networks of people with similar interests who find and create new information online.

Starter kits are available with pre-populated Jetpaks, and the service is handy for companies who want to create a branded Jetpak.

Of course, that also leaves it wide open for abuse. I imagine it won’t be long until we hear complaints of “spampaks.”

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