Forrester Research has released a new study that finds that Blog and RSS technology may not be used by as many people as some would like to believe.
Duncan Riley of Blog Herald points to this study in a post he made on Search Engine Journal. The study Shows that only 6% of Americans read blogs and only 2% use RSS.
Forrester Research’s study, which asked over 68,000 households in North America about their use of technology, led to a report called “The State Of Consumers And Technology: Benchmark 2005“. A few interesting stats from this report are:
“The rise of consumers’ adoption of personal devices, home networking, and broadband, combined with the increasing importance of the Internet in media, retail, banking, and healthcare, means that every consumer-facing industry must better understand the intricacies of technology adoption and use,” says Forrester Research Vice President Ted Schadler.
“Missing from most marketers’ toolboxes is an understanding that consumers’ attitudes toward technology determine a lot about how they receive marketing messages, get service online, adopt new technologies, and spend their time,” he added.
In regards to the blogs and RSS, as Riley pointed out in his post, the study did not make clear if people were asked if they knew what blogs and RSS were. Some could use them and not know what they are called.
Chris is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.